Thursday, January 19, 2012


We need a new headboard,  we're getting a new headboard. We just need to decide which one. Our goal is an upholstered headboard for under $300. Overstock had a few we really liked in the top end of our price range but I'm also considering getting a cheap wooden one off craigslist and doing it myself. Hmm...
(sorry the picture quality is so crappy for some reason)

 Those 3 are from Overstock and all on the higher end of  our price range. 
 This would be my dream one. Like, the one I'm dying to have but don't have $600 for. Why Urban Outfitters, why?! Anyone want to buy it for us?
 Love the pattern!
 If I DIY I'll be choosing a fabric similar to this
Love the shape and nailhead

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Young House Love, Love

Young House Love is one of my absolutely favorite blogs and in the great blogging slump of late 2011, I stopped following the Petersiks. Well, today I remedied that and read 30 (yes, 30!) pages of back posts from them and got all caught up. As usual, they've left me feeling incredibly inspired and motivated to decorate our new place.
YHL is actually one of the biggest inspirations I had for starting this blog. I figured if 2 people (not much older than me) could design impeccably, why couldn't I? I've never met them but with their bare-all/share-all approach I feel a bit like they're my super handy, enviable, next door neighbors (I wish!).
Just as they've inspired me to blog, do a photo gallery, and many other things, they've inspired me become a little more hands on with my blogging. This means as we move into our new apartment and I begin to decorate and organize our new space I want to share the changes I'm making and ultimately translate my inspirations and favorite photos into my realities.
Alright, I know, this post is a little mushy and odd. I'm going to blame that on my brain being fried from a full day of work, a Boston Bruins loss, and 30 (do you realize how much this is?!) pages of reading.
Go check out YHL, get lost in the amazingness, and get back to me when you're all caught up.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday (not so) Links 1.16

Sorry to disappoint but I haven't anything bookmarked on the ole (new!) Mac other than Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter. Clearly I've only had enough time for social networking. 

As much as I love those black walls from yesterday (and I really, really do!) I enjoy a good punch of color. At this point, in my cheap home decorating style, I'm not brave enough to do colored furniture but if I could, I would. These bold pieces of furniture really make a statement. They give the room a good unique, quirky vibe, not something you'd see in a furniture store room, which is always a plus. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Paint it black!

I'm sure I've mentioned it before but I absolutely love black walls. Now, it may seem like a bold or crazy choice but I actually find the black to be very classic, clean, and almost calming in a way. I think it gives the space a more minimalistic, loft feel which I adore.