It's complete! Remember the beginning stages from
this post? Well, I completed it last week and absolutely love it! It was definitely a fun, cheap and easy project.
Framed mirror- $6.99 at Goodwill
Chalkboard paint (which I've re used) -$8
Blue paint for trim (a sample size from Lowes)- $4
Project total: $18. Not bad!
Again, I'm not pleased with my photography. Not sure what my deal is lately but please ignore the crookedness of these:
1.) Yes, I did paint my ugly white trash can with chalkboard paint and I love it.
2.) Notice how the pretty Eiffel tower went from ooh la la to being taken over by King Kong? You can thank T for that laugh.
3.) I need to get an actual eraser.
4.) In that very last picture you can just barely see where I cracked the corner of the mirror. Oops.