to the best Dad I could ever have. Now, don't laugh at the picture (actually, do). I know it's funny and not the best of either of us but it's goofy --like us.
When I was little I was always a daddy's girl, I remember holding his hand in Hawaii playing what I think of as "bread & butter". We'd pass over a post and break hands and I'd say something like tea and he'd say biscuit. Pretty silly really but I enjoyed it. Sometimes when I didn't have school I'd go to work with him and he'd let me draw on his erase board or make copies (funny how I used to enjoy that and now hate it) and the best part of going to work with him was going to lunch at this local deli, they have the best tuna salad.
Now, dad was a lot of fun but he was tough when need be, which I'm so grateful for. Like my mom, he gave the perfect balance of discipline and love and support. For instance, when I was about 4 I blurted out some curse word I must have heard somewhere. He took me home, put dome Tabasco in my mouth, told me to not use that word and then gave me a Popsicle to soothe my overheated mouth. Perfect punishment.
I'm not sure if he remembers this but I've always remembered it: I was being angsty and yelling at my mother saying horrible things like I wish she'd go away and I didn't like her. He came into my room and told me to never speak that way because you don't know what can happen and I would never want those to be the last words I spoke to my mom. Just a good reminder to never leave or go to sleep angry.
Another great thing about Dad? He can fix anything. Never did mom or I have to take our car to a shop, he'd just fix it himself. Broken things around the house? He'd fix them.
So that's just a very small taste of why I have the best dad ever.
I love you Daddy!