Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 New Years Resolutions

Just in case you couldn't come up with any resolutions...

I meant to post these yesterday. You know, on New Years Day, but I was busy working on Resolution # 3. Here they are, in no real order:

#1 Stress less. I am not quite sure how to do this, but it's definitely something that needs to be done. I need to learn when to let go,  when to let things roll off my back, and most of all: realize that it's probably not worth the stress.

#2. Look incredible in my wedding dress, and stay that way.  I want to look and feel incredible in my wedding dress (what girl doesn't?!) and keep that awesome feeling long after the wedding. So this means eating healthier (no more cheese fries for dinner) and actually working out. The goal is to drink as much water as possible, load up on protein and veggies, and go to yoga more.

#3. Unplug with Tyler. Yup, less computer, iPhone, iPad, and more genuine time with T. Who knows, maybe we will start doing date nights.

#4. Manage my time better. This was on the list last year and it needs to be on the list again this year.

#5. Have the wedding of my dreams. Yea, I know, cheesy right? It's only once in your life that you get married in Ireland after all. So far, I've got this resolution in the bag.

#6. Read more. I LOVE reading, in fact, I think I've forgotten just how much I love reading. I feel like I just never have time anymore, but in reality I don't make time.

#7. Wear my Invisalign religiously. When I first got it, I was every Orthodontist's dream patient. Then like all things, that kind of fizzled out. I still wear them every morning and all night, but there's a good chunk in the middle of the day where I just...don't.


  1. Love these! I know you will look amazing on your wedding day!! And especially in Ireland...the pictures will be beyond gorgeous.

  2. Great resolutions. They all go hand in hand .....let go of the stress will make relaxing easier (time with T, reading). Yoga will help with stress, eating the right food will definitely help with it, and ultimately, you will have a stress free, glowing and toned, healthy body for your awesome dream wedding! Love you.
