Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I know, I know, I haven't been around in pretty much forever. Well, as one of my New Years Resolutions I am going to get back into my blogging. I've missed it and it's something I need to make the time for again. I know resolutions often get forgotten or neglected but I think its a good idea to make them. It makes you think and reflect about things you'd like to change or improve upon. That being said, here's a few more of my resolutions for 2012;
1. Spend less time on the internet and more time with the people I love. I know this is a little contradictory with the whole blog more thing.
2. Eat healthier and get back into yoga
3. Don't take what I have for granted

What are your resolutions?


  1. Welcome back -- missed the Monday links

  2. Oh my goodness! I was just thinking today about how much I have missed your posts...l..and here you are!!!! Yay!!

    I'm liking your resolutions.
